Social media should not be a debatable approach for your business’s online marketing strategy. There are so many options of social media networks and channels (especially if you include forums and niche community sites), that you should be able to find your target customers looking for information somewhere online. Depending on your business, LinkedIn marketing may be your best option for high conversion rates for your leads.
LinkedIn is a professional, online social media networking website. According to their own About page,
“LinkedIn operates the world’s largest professional network on the Internet in over 200 countries and territories. LinkedIn’s mission is to connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful.”
Once your profile is complete, you can leverage LinkedIn Groups to connect with potential customers and referral partners. Click the image above to learn more about generating leads from LinkedIn Groups.
While websites like Twitter and Facebook are primarily used for personal, online socializing, LinkedIn’s primary uses are professional, online networking.
This means that when you connect with others online, you already have a more formal engagement. With other social media networks, you have to go through the “Know, Like, Trust” process. The barrier for entry over that personal level can be more difficult and at the very least is a speed bump.
LinkedIn skips over the politeness of becoming friends, then introducing your business, then trying to convert them from an online friend to an offline customer.
With LinkedIn, you can introduce yourself to prospects and strategic partners knowing that it’s more acceptable to start talking business much earlier in the relationship.
When you sign up for LinkedIn, make sure your profile is fully complete. Add in your education, professional experience, your skills. Be sure to have a professional looking profile picture.
Once you have your profile set up, have people get endorse you for your skills and get some recommendations written.
After your profile is complete, join some LinkedIn Groups and get active in their discussions. Browse through LinkedIn Answers and see if you can help anyone with questions that they are asking relevant to your services or products.
Have you set up your full LinkedIn profile, joined LinkedIn Groups or answered LinkedIn Answers questions? If you are using LinkedIn, connect with me and let’s help build our professional networks –
Our LinkedIn marketing services guarantee results. With our proven strategy, we can help you generate leads that close at a higher conversion rate.
Click here to learn about our LinkedIn lead generation service