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[…] 6, 2012 by Todd Giannattasio 0If you haven’t been keeping up, I’m in the middle of a 50 blog post challenge that I’ve given myself. Through the first 25 blog posts of the blogging experiment, I […]
ReplyIf you haven’t been keeping up, I’m in the middle of a blogging experiment. I’ve been posting new articles on my website twice a day (weekdays) for two weeks now to test (prove) that content marketing, blogging specifically in this case, help increase your website’s success. Credit to Josh for the inspiration.
Now that I have 20 new articles on my site, I’m seeing growth in website traffic as well as keyword queries with Google web masters. My Twitter followers have also seen a slight spike as well.
Website traffic has increased 244% since I started posting daily and sharing the links on my different social media sites.
Want to take a guess which day I started blogging? As you can see from the graphs, my visits, unique visits, page views and percentage of new visits have gone up. Unfortunately, the pages per visit has gone down a little as well as the average visitor time on the site along with the bounce rate.
My speculation for the numbers that have gone down are because of the type of traffic that is coming to the website. People looking to read the information on the page and then leave. While that type of website issue can be solved with maybe rearranging some elements on the site or tweaking the design. Maybe my articles just aren’t good enough for them to want to read more on the site? Either way, right now the goal is to increase traffic so those other website issues can be handled as a second experiment.
While the traffic has certainly increased dramatically, the way people come to the site has not. Percentages of traffic from search, referrals and direct have stayed pretty close to what they were before the blogging experiment.
In the two weeks before I started this blogging experiment, Google Webmaster’s Search Queries show that TresnicMedia.com came up for 26 keywords. In the two weeks that I’ve been blogging consistently (more like on steroids), TresnicMedia.com now shows up in 57 search queries according to Google Webmasters.
[…] 6, 2012 by Todd Giannattasio 0If you haven’t been keeping up, I’m in the middle of a 50 blog post challenge that I’ve given myself. Through the first 25 blog posts of the blogging experiment, I […]