We use MailChimp for our email newsletter and for our clients. Click the image to set up your own account (affiliate link).
Are you sending out a regular newsletter to your clients (previous, current and potential)? If you’re not, you need to be. Sending out an email newsletter to your customers can instantly increase the lifetime value they have to your business.
Why Should You Be Sending A Newsletter?
You can send a newsletter to your email list for a number of reasons, mainly to keep your business in the front of their mind when they are not in regular contact with you. That way when they are ready to make a (or another) purchase, they come right back to you without even thinking of researching a new option.
In your emails (I suggest monthly, no more than twice a month no less than quarterly), you can send out links to new articles that you’re posting on your website that could be valuable to your audience. You could also include any news about your business, recap a recent event or announce an upcoming one.
Another great topic for your newsletter would be giving people on your email list a head start on a new deal you are going to be offering or a new product you are launching.
While I am guilty myself of only sending my newsletter sporadically (cough once cough), by doing so I have proof that by sending an email you can instantly see an increase in your customer lifetime value.
Tresnic Media offers a range of services from web design to content marketing and pretty much anything else you can do on the web to help your business succeed. Many of my clients have come to me just to have a new website designed. Some of them don’t even realize the other services that we offer.
So when I sent out an email to a list of previous and current customers with links to a few recent articles I had posted on a variety of websites, I listed articles about social media and SEO in the email.
About two hours after I sent the email, my phone rang. It was a customer who I had built a website for almost a year and a half earlier, when I was just getting Tresnic Media off the ground and didn’t have the scalability at the time to offer the full range of online marketing services we do now.
“Hey Todd! It was great to hear from you this morning, it’s been a while. We didn’t realize that you also handled social media marketing as well as website design. We’re actually looking for someone to hire and manage our social media accounts!”
Boom. Done deal.
Because they were a happy customer of my website design services, it wasn’t even a selling process to get the job working with them on their social media marketing.
By sending out an email and reminding people (or in this case, telling them for the first time) about the different services we offer, I immediately doubled the value of a previous customer. They had been a customer for our website design services, and now were a happy customer for our social media services. Lifetime value doubled instantly. And if the social media marketing continues beyond the initial agreement, it will have more than doubled, all from a simple email.
The real question is, do you even have an email list? If you do, close your browser right now and go draft an email to send to them. Because it might actually make you money.