Basic Tips For How To Promote Your New Blog Post

Want An Immediate Impact From Your Blog Post? Here’s How To Promote It!

How To Promote New Blog Post
Photo by L Bo

Now that you’ve gone through all the hard work of generating ideas for your blog posts, researching keywords for the headline and descriptionoutlining and writing your blog post, now it’s time to get some eyeballs on it. You don’t want to sit around and wait weeks, or more likely, months, for your website to start climbing it’s way to the first page of Google. You want visitors to your website right now.

Promoting Your Blog Post

There are various ways to start immediately getting your new blog post’s link in front of your target demographic. We’ll outline how to actively promote your new blog post while also putting in a little extra SEO work so that your blog post will start climbing the search engine ranks as well.

Promote Your New Blog Post To Your Email List

Depending how often you blog, you may not want to be sending out an email blast every day, although if you are putting out highly valuable blog posts, then your audience has probably signed up for daily notifications (see: unbouncekissmetricsunder30ceo). Depending on what software you are using to send out email updates to your list, they can control their own frequency options to be delivered every time you post something or a weekly/monthly roundup of your new blog posts.

Promoting your blog post to your email list gives you a far better chance of them seeing your new article as compared to posting it to a social media site that they follow you on. Think about it, if you post something at 9 am on Twitter and a fan doesn’t check their Twitter feed until lunch, that post is gone. But if you send them an email, it will be waiting in their inbox whenever they go to check it.

Social Media Blog Post Promotion

While email can provide a much higher click through rate, don’t leave out social media channels to promote your new blog post.

The benefits of promoting your new blog post on multiple social media channels is two-fold.

You’re spending time building your online audience across all these channels so that they can receive your updates in their preferred channel. Don’t let them forget about you or think that you haven’t been updating your business blog just because you favor email over their favorite social media channel.

Social media activity around your new blog post will also help build your authority with Google and improve your search rankings. The more people that share your blog posts via different social media channels, the more important Google will think your article is and the higher they will rank you.

Start Discussions In Online Communities

We are also talking about how great LinkedIn Groups are for our business and most B2B companies, but they are only a new hybrid of social media and traditional online forums. Google Plus Communities and Facebook Groups also fall into this category. But don’t get caught up in only those big marquee names.

Your target audience is likely living within its own niche site or online forum, discussing their problems and possible solutions that you can help them solve! Do some online research ahead of time so you know where these niche communities are. Set up a profile and be an active, helpful member. Don’t just spam random discussions with your links. Create genuine conversations that are complimented by your blog post. That way you are being helpful to your community and they will feel comfortable building a relationship with your business and eventually become loyal customers (if they aren’t already).

The SEO Effect Of Your Blog Promotion

In addition to the social media effect on your search engine rankings, driving more traffic to your website will mean for a higher chance that owners of other websites will see your new blog post and reference it in an article of their own, linking back to your blog. This will also help build your credibility in the eyes of Google and lead to higher search rankings.

How Do You Promote New Blog Posts?

What are the strategies and tactics that you use after you publish a new blog post to start driving traffic? Are you proactive in driving your website visitors or do you sit back and hope people will stumble across your blog? Did you know that being active on social media will help improve your search rankings?

Leave your thoughts and suggestions in the comments below!