Are you having trouble getting found for your own company’s name? Contact us today to help with your corporate SEO strategy
Are people searching online for your company and not being able to find what they need?
This could be a circumstance of having a very common name for your company and so businesses from other industries are overlapping, or maybe your company name includes a popular service or product that has high competition in search engines.
Whatever the reason for your brand name SEO issues, the problem is that when a potential customer wants to find you and can’t, they end up going with a competitor instead.
Having your own corporate website is not enough to take control of your digital territory. Your brand name SEO strategy needs to include on-site and off-site SEO tactics.
Much of the on-site SEO factors are baked into the foundation of your existing website. The code should be optimized for search engines when your site is built and your Content Management System should be automatically incorporating the basics to your new pages and posts (check out this article on WordPress Post optimization tips).
To get the search engines to start checking up on your site regularly, you need to be blogging at a high frequency. This way you can build your credibility with Google much quicker and take back your share of the market that your brand name deserves. Consistent blogging not only allows you to target your brand name keywords on more pages, but by having constantly new information on your site, you will be seen as much more of an authority to your customers as well as the search engines (leading to higher search engine rankings for your brand name).
While posting new content to your website in order to prove to Google that you should be the top result for your brand name, keep these simple things in mind:
Your website is not the only place that people may find you. There is an abundance of social media networks, content sharing sites and online communities that have profile pages and content pages that you can incorporate into your online strategy to take over the search results for your brand name.
First, you’ll want to create and optimize as many profiles as you can. You should make sure to incorporate your brand name into your profile name in some capacity, even if your direct brand name is already taken (due to the reasons stated in the first paragraph). That’s also why it’s very important to CREATE YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA PROFILES IMMEDIATELY TO CLAIM YOUR COMPANY’S NAME BEFORE SOMEONE ELSE DOES.
Make sure that you fill out all of your profiles completely, giving all of the information that the page allows (i.e., name, bio, history, pictures, video, links to your site and other profiles, services, products, etc.). The more complete your profile is, the better chance you have of getting found. Use the same brand name SEO tips from above when filling out these profiles.
There are three main reasons that you want to have as many online profiles for your business as possible:
Have you previously had a brand name SEO issue that you’ve overcome? What strategies and tactics worked for you? Are you currently having trouble with your company not showing up in Google search results? How do you plan on solving this issue? Leave your thoughts and ideas in the comments below!