This Week’s Social Media Top Stories
Spain’s Euro 2012 Win Sets New Twitter Sports Record
Josh Wolford via WebProNews writes about how last Sunday’s Euro 2012 championship match broke the record for most tweets per second with an astonishing 15,358 tweets. This is more then 3000 tweets then the previous record held by last years super bowl. Overall during that game there were over 16.5 million tweets.
Looking ahead, I believe this record will be broken or come close to being broke this summer with the up coming Olympics. There is a lot of media and TV buzz since the Olympics only happen every 4 years. A lot of people will be watching Michael Phelps to see how many gold medals he gets. He alone may get the most tweets but will it be enough to set a new Twitter record. Tune in, in a few weeks to see if this Twitter record will stand or fall to the Olympics.
Why You Should Embrace Twitter Lurkers
In this article written by Ted Rubin via Mashable explains why you should accept “lurkers” on twitter. What is a lurker? Well, it is anyone who follows you on twitter but may never tweet, retweet or mention you. The question becomes what should you do with these types of followers.
Ted writes that while these followers may not be sharing your information via Twitter, there is a possibility they are sharing your valuable info in emails or in conversations. He makes a good point in saying that social media is about getting yourself in front of more and more people and to make connections. Just because someone has not yet tweeted about you doesn’t mean they wont in the future.
Before you go and “clean up” your Twitter account as Ted Rubin says, I think you should evaluate ways to interact more with these followers who aren’t spreading your information. Give them some incentive to mention you in a post or to link back to your website. This may get the ball rolling and make them more pro-active in interacting with you. Do you have any ideas on how to get “ Lurkers” to interact? Feel free to comment.
Google+ Hangouts get live captions
This article via Ubergizmo talks about a new feature Google+ introduced which allows user with hearing-impairments to share in hangouts. While this feature is in an infancy stage this is still a welcomed addition.
Hangout captions allow two options at the moment. One is a professional transcript through StreamText and the second is a basic transcription, which you do yourself by typing on the keyboard. As the author mentions in the post there is hope that all this can soon be automated.
It is nice to see that Google is heading in this direction to help those with disabilities access hangouts. This is a great way for individuals and companies to interact with everyone. Once this new feature is enhanced more and automated there can be multiple uses for transcripts. With the option to save the transcript after a hangout, you would have the option to turn the hangout into a blog article or even a power point presentation. I hope this feature is explored more and enhanced so that everyone can be involved in the world of communication/social media.