4 Elements In Your Call To Action Graphics

4 Elements Your Call To Action Should HaveThere are many ways your company’s website can help generate leads. A Call To Action (CTA) is the most important element to converting prospects into potential customers, and is a critical piece to any website. A Call To Action tells visitors what you want them to do next. For example, to subscribe, download, or take some kind of immediate “action” from your content. Having a CTA will guide potential prospects to continue through your sales funnel. There are certain key points that help create an effective Call To Action.


Having a great headline in your CTA graphic is what will draw them in to read more of the message. A clear and prominent headline should be the main focus of the layout design. This should clearly communicate what the CTA is asking, and grab users attention. You want to be able to write copy that will get your readers clicking.

Clear Message

A CTA needs to have a clear message indicating what it is that you want the reader to do. Your message needs to distinctly explain what the reader is getting in turn for their click.

Make sure you use terms that your consumers are familiar with. Don’t clutter your message with business lingo that may confuse potential customers.

What problem are you solving for your customers? Bring that problem to their attention with a tease of how you can help solve it. Convey the benefits of your service and how they will succeed with what you’re offering. Your message should encourage the visitor to follow through with the CTA. 


4 Elements Your Call To Action Should Have

A graphic or image is one of the first things users will see before they start to read your content. Using an image that will catch a reader’s eye and spark their interest is a good way to keep their attention focused. 90% of what is transmitted to the brain is visual. People respond better to images than to text, so their first opinions will be formed based on whether you have anything visual. Use this opportunity to wow them.

Action Step

An action step is the core goal of your Call To Action and what the CTA is asking the reader to do. This is what will bring them to where you want them to go next in your funnel. The action needs to be direct and easy to understand. This is a great way to build trust, form relationships, and build social currency.

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