Social Media Weekly Round Up: 6-22-12

This Week’s Social Media Top Stories

7 Pinterest Tips for B2B Companies

In this article written by Mitt Ray, he talks about 7 unique ways to utilize Pinterest to promote your business.  Most people use Pinterest to post their personal interests, but businesses should use Pinterest to promote their brand.

We all know the old saying “pictures are worth a thousand words” but using Pinterest is just that. Having photos to engage your audience while still getting a message across is what Pinterest is all about.  All of the tips in this article are definitely worth doing but the ones I like the best are #3 Engage Your Fans, and #5 Display Your Work Culture.  The reason behind my choices are simple, if you engage your fans or the audience you are targeting then you have a better chance of connecting with them. Once they feel connected they will be more likely to return to your site or promote the brand for you.   As for tip #5, this will give your audience an inside look into your company and shows them what type of people you are.

Businesses should evaluate the use of Pinterest to see if it is right for them.  Using these tips can help increase the brand awareness as well as create recognition for your company.

Multiple Photo Posts Increased Clicks 1290% – Facebook Case Study

Jeff Widman writes about how posting multiple photos instead of a single photo will increase clicks exponentially.  When anyone posts a photo to Facebook, the photo comes up in the news feeds of fans but they don’t have to click the image to see the full details of it.  When you upload multiple images to a post, Facebook automatically converts those to an album showing you one large image and 3 thumbnails under.

This case study found that photo albums were clicked almost 13 times more than a single image and had a reach of 5 times more.  I think the reason behind this is simple. People see multiple images but can’t see the 3 thumbnails in detail. Their curiosity gets them to click the album and start flipping through the images.  Once you have them flipping they are going to be more likely to start commenting and interacting with you.

Trying out this method of multiple photo postings is something to consider. What’s the worst that can happen, more fans see your images. Sound like a win win to me.

Euro 2012: How Soccer is Going Digital

This article, written by Sam Laird talks about how the UEFA tournament is using social media to spread the game of soccer; we all know that soccer is incredibly popular overseas and that here in America, the following isn’t as strong.  To everyone’s surprise the United States brings in the most traffic to with about 12.5% of the overall traffic. Head of UEFA David Farrelly says that social media has changed the way the tournament is covered.

The editorial staff for the tournament is using Facebook and Twitter to share stories across different time zones as well as interacting with fans through Q&A.  The official Facebook page has seen an increase of over 350,000 fans since the beginning of the tournament.  They even have the webpage direct fans to the mobile app when visiting from their phones.

UEFA seems to understand the importance of social media these days and is using social media to the fullest to connect with the fans.