Social Media Weekly Round Up: 6-15-12

7 Powerful Ways to Promote Your Blog Offline

This Article by Guest Blogger Jennifer Michelle Communications talks about 7 ways to promote your blog. Each of the 7 ways can work for you and your business.  Some of these may require more time and effort then others but putting just a few into action can give you some positive ROI.

Get in the press is the first one she mentions.  A simple call to a local paper to write an article can return many leads for your business depending on how well the article is written and if you have a good message. But the easiest one of seven is handing out your business card. Wherever you go, whether it’s to the local coffee shop in the morning or a local deli for lunch, bring a handful of cards with you. You never know who you will end up bumping in to, and at the very least there are always places to drop your card into or hand on a pin board.

Her bonus tip is something to consider. Using QR codes on business cards of anything you hand out is a good way to get customers to interact with you by scanning the code with a cell phone.  You can lead them right to any page you want!

Digital Dads Are Plugging In, Getting Social

Amanda Willis via Mashable writes about how Dads are becoming more digital and plugging in to social media.  A few years ago many adults didn’t use, yet understand technology, but ever since the boom of smartphones and tablets, everyone has started to learn to be more interactive with the web.  In this article she shows an Infographic with stats about Digital Dads vs. Average Joes.

Digital Dads use the internet for various means from connecting with other parents, to posting photos (bragging) about their children.  They have also come to realize that technologies can help their kid’s access information for learning purposes.  Digital Dads are more aware of how much time their kids are spending on the internet vs. the Average Joe who are less aware of what the kids are doing on Facebook or Twitter.

These tech savvy Dads are more inclined to stay up to date with the latest and greatest piece of technology so that they can stay ahead of the trends as well as help their kids access more information.  Marketers should concentrate more on the educational benefits of social media/technology so that more parents see the benefits and in the end buy into these products.

Optimizing Facebook Engagement – Text, Links, Photos or Videos?

Morgan J. Arnold writes about the various types of posts on Facebook and how each one engages with your customers. In the article there is a graph showing the relationship between the type of post and how many like each post returns.

Many companies use the traditional way to link articles in hopes that it brings followers back to the company website, and in return buy a product or service.  But from the graph we can see that the best type of engagement is simply posting a photo or asking a question.  Most users on Facebook are busy throughout the day and might not have time to click a link, go to your site and read that post. But posting a picture requires no time for the follower to look at. They don’t have to leave Facebook to interact with you, they can choose whether or not they like picture you posted.

Asking a question or poll is another quick way to engage with your followers.  Leaving an open ended question which may require a reply, or having a poll which requires a choice, gets your followers to interact with you quickly and easily. This is also a good way to get feedback on certain topics you have.

Now while there are many ways to engage on Facebook, there is no one size fits all approach. You need to monitor your posts and see what your followers respond to the most.  Don’t abandon posting links to articles and only start posting photos. Being able to utilize different posting styles will give your company a balance.